Update 1.1

New update for my game The green X, the following is downbelow as in a disription. I've added a lot new stuff to the game.

- New scene created called "Enemy". 

- New enemy character installed + animation.

- I've added 3 node signlas 2 for Player when the player enters the frame. The secound one is when the body (Main Player) Exited.  

- Added three different variables. 

- Coded three different functions for the game. 

1. First one is easy explanitory the functions ability is to start the position. 

Secound function when the body(player) enters the frame, it must be activated then if the body that is activated to the signal, the body must assign value to the target.

The last function runs when the body out. Then if the body connected to the signal "Player" assign a value of "null".

-I've also created two groups called "Player" and "Enemy" for the code.

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