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Submission to NTI Gymnasiet Malmö 2022 Game Jam
The Green X
Return to The Green X
Update 1.4
May 25, 2022
CZ Developer
Now you can start playing the game and actually have fun! - Collide with the walls. - GUI update - You can kill all enemies now. - Your bullets it is delayed now. Good luck have fun!...
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Update 1.3
May 13, 2022
CZ Developer
- I've added new map as you can see. - Portal and a protal destination the way it works it easy explanetory you go through the blue portal come out the red one. - Animation code with functions that ap...
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Update 1.1
May 05, 2022
CZ Developer
New update for my game The green X, the following is downbelow as in a disription. I've added a lot new stuff to the game. - New scene created called "Enemy". - New enemy character installed + animati...
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Update 1.0
April 28, 2022
CZ Developer
Jag har ett skolprojekt där vi ska göra ett 2D spel. Här är min resa. Idag har jag gjort lite simpelt jag lagt till lite functioner som gör så att jag kan röra mig åt alla håll. Nästa gång...
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